Fresh n Red Vendor

by Bellwayinfotech

Food & Drink


->CUSTOMER:Search Restaurant by LocationSearch Restaurant by restaurant order processing expedition (Delivery, Pickup & table Booking)Search restaurant by Category & Distance Check Restaurant menu and order Book Reservation for a table for dining inMake comment under the restaurantPost Review and Ratings in restaurantTouch Less Order Using Restaurant Qr CodeLogin as CustomerCan check & update profile Can change passwordCan check reservation ListCan check previous order historyCan check transaction (payment) History->RESTAURANT OWNER:Can manage Restaurants (Create, update, delete & check restaurant details)Can check restaurant dashboard which includes order statistics, restaurant details and can view and manage Menu Items and it’s detailsCan manage Categories (Create, update & delete)Can manage menu items of restaurants (admin can create Menu Items for restaurants and can update, delete and check details of them)Can also manage menu Variations and OptionsCan manage restaurant Cuisines and Time SlotsCan manage restaurant Tables Can manage Restaurants Orders (Create, update, delete & check restaurant details)Can manage Finance or Accounts (Transactions, Request, Withdrawal)Receive order Notifications & accept and decline Can manage reports (Sales Report)->DELIVERY BOY:Can check the order list Can manage Order StatusReceive order Notifications & accept and declineCan manage Personal Finance or Accounts (Transactions, Request, Withdrawal) ->SUPER ADMIN:Login as Super AdminCan manage Restaurants (Create, update, delete & check restaurant details)Can check restaurant dashboard which includes order statistics, restaurant details and can view and manage Menu Items and it’s detailsCan manage Categories (Create, update & delete)Can manage menu items of restaurants (admin can create Menu Items for restaurants and can update, delete and check details of them)Can also manage menu Variations and OptionsCan manage restaurant Cuisines and Time SlotsCan manage restaurant Tables Can manage Restaurants Orders (Create, update, delete & check restaurant details)Can manage Finance or Accounts (Transactions, Request, Withdrawal)Can manage HRM (Acl, Restaurant Owner, Administrators, Customers & Delivery Boy Account)Can manage reports (Sales Report, Commission Report, Delivery Boy Reports etc.)Can manage Frontend CRM website reportCan manage settings (Site Setting, SMS Setting, Payment Setting, Email Setting, Notification Setting, Social Login Setting, Otp Setting, Home Page Setting, Social Setting, Google Map Setting, App Setting)